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Profile 2 – David Lyon

By Nancy Dorrance
with photography by Bernard Clark

The Collins Dictionary defines tandem as “a relationship between two persons or things involving cooperative action and mutual dependence.”

For Skeleton Park resident and internationally acclaimed surveillance expert David Lyon, that description neatly captures his partnership of more than five decades with wife, Sue. Not surprisingly, one of their favourite activities is riding together on their 40-year-old tandem bicycle — whenever weather and circumstances permit.

“The bike requires trust, coordination and cooperation between riders,” David notes. “I can’t see behind, so Sue has to check that for both of us. And as long as I keep pedalling, she has to, as well. Our tandem is old and heavy, but we love it,” he adds fondly. “It’s a perfect metaphor for our relationship.”

Having had multiple hip replacements, Sue — a well-known Kingston potter, featured in the January 1998 issue of Profile Kingston — jokes: “I’m better riding the bike than walking. It compensates nicely for my disability.”

David and Sue have had each other’s back since they first met at Bradford University in Yorkshire, England. He was in his final year of an undergraduate degree in social science and history . . .